Oct 02

Yes, we made it through our first month as Seniors at HTHMA! We’ve written numerous essays and almost finished the prototype for our Rescue Helicopter.  We are already 1/8th done with the school year.

We just came back from senior retreat, it was an amazing bonding experience and I feel closer to all my senior friends as well as our teachers. Yes, I am glad I went on Senior retreat 🙂

On a more personal note, over the next couple of days and weeks I need to make a decision. A decision that I didn’t want to have to make, but I need to make it now in order to move forwards. I need to move forward with life and although I was hoping I could just keep the status quo, it has become apparent that I need to make a decision.

I know… I will make the right decision, one that I can live with and be happy and finally “move forward”

Hello October.

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