May 03

My idea for exhibition is smoothie tastings!

Here is a recipe that I am considering from “”

The Robert Kuhl-Aid (Strawberry Banana)

An easy strawberry banana smoothie recipe usually consists of nore more than a few strawberries, one ripe banana and some type of liquid like milk or juice. An example of easy strawberry banana smoothie recipe is listed below:

6 large strawberries
1 banana
1 cup of whole milk

Just blend all ingredients till smoothy texture is formed and all fruits well blended. See how easy a mix that was, no need to add any extra flavoring because the fruits provide all the great taste in this smoothie.

We could get the strawberries from the garden, but only if we can produce a lot. If not, we will go to Trader Joes or a local farmers market and get Carlsbad based strawberries. They are in season here in California. Right now, I don’t know where I would find the bananas, but I don’t want to import them from the southern hemisphere.

See the blog post below for more information.

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